February 13, 2025 Meeting
February 13, 2025, at the W4DHN Wiregrass Amateur Radio ARES Club Meeting:
Task Books were updated.
The “Net Caller” list was updated.
Ideas for our next workshop March 8:
-Portable Radio Antenna
-Anderson Power Pole
Start checking in once a week to the
Alabama Traffic Net 80 meters on
3.965 either at 0600 or 1800 CST.
We agreed to pass one Radiogram
per month to gain this skill.
Feb. 18th will be next one.
March 1st, will be our communications
Drill. Details discussed. Forms to be
Provided on Groups.IO for ARES.
After the drill, we will meet for a Hot
Wash at Golden Corral.
March 8th, we will have a workshop on
Anderson Power Poles and
Portable Radio/Antenna.
Discussed fundraising.
Need volunteers to help with cooking
And selling Hot Dogs/Hamburgers, chips,
And drinks for the May 10th Rocket
Launch Field Operation Day in Samson.
Demonstration on an NVIS Antenna
Thanks to all who participated! Looking forward to a fantastic year for ARES!