Category Archives: Club Meetings

W4DHN Club Meeting 2.06.25

Great club meeting.  Discussed lots of information including upcoming activities such as: New to Ham Radio Meeting Saturday, February 8, 2025, ARES meeting Thursday, February 13, 2025, 2025 Tri-States Bike Ride, SEARS Ham Radio Field Day Station.  There is a survey outstanding to sign-up where you might like to be a coordinator or just a helper.  Please see the Groups.IO for more current information.

Our President, Bruno is doing a great job of keeping us organized and working on our Ham Operation Information.  During the meeting, he did a presentation on the ARRL website and all the information that can be found there.  He also went over the survey and opportunities available to W4DHN.  We also had a demonstration of a 2-meter home-brew antenna on a satellite TV antenna.  Great night!


W4DHN Club Meeting 4.4.24

Our W4DHN monthly club meeting for April was on the 4th at 6:30pm in the American Red Cross Building on Montezuma Avenue in Dothan. We had 18 attendees. Bob Johannesen gave a presentation on our telescoping movable antenna. We discussed the upcoming tailgate April 27th in Headland on the Square. There will be a testing session as well that day. The 2024 Tri-States Bike Ride will be June 1st.  This is a great time to get out and put our skills to use for our community.  We discussed the repeater issue and tabled that for a later meeting. Our President, Rex Yance, is dedicated to getting committees filled and functional.

If you are a member, please come to the club meetings and be involved.  If you have a topic you would like information on, please send a post to the Groups.I.O. so we can find someone who is a guru on it and possibly have a presentation on it at the meeting.  There are lots of very intelligent and electronically gifted folks in our club!  It’s always a benefit to learn more information and the new trends on Ham Radio.  Technology waits for no one.


April 2023 Club Meeting

The Wiregrass Amateur Radio Club held its monthly club meeting on Thursday evening, April 6, at the American Red Cross office in Dothan. 

Old business discussed – 

A reminder that The Wiregrass 100 Bike Ride is scheduled for Saturday, May 6. For those that signed up to help with communications for the ride, post assignments will be given out in the coming week or two. Our club is coordinating with the Chipola Amateur Radio Club in Marianna to supply comms for the entire ride. Also, since May 6 is the regularly scheduled date for our New and Not So New Ham Workshop, there will not be a workshop that day. The next New and Not So New Workshop will be held on Saturday, June 3.

The club was asked to come up with names of silent keys that were club members for a plaque that will be displayed at the club station. We will spend the next couple of months compiling names of silent keys, then decide the size plaque needed based on that number. If you know of a previous Wiregrass Amateur Radio Club member who is now a silent key, please email the name and callsign to

New business discussed – 

A discussion was held regarding improvements and upgrades to the club website, David Schwab, K4FOO, is handling the maintenance of the site, and offered several suggestions for improvements, including a new layout, making it mobile friendly, and a membership directory. Other changes were suggested by those in attendance, including a members only area.


Further discussion was held on different HF antennas. John Willis, KB4DU, showed some army surplus fiberglass poles that he uses to get antennas up in the air when working portable. Charles Woodall, W4CLW, demonstrated the setup of his Wolf River Coils portable antenna system that he uses for Parks on the Air activations, as well as an end fed half wave quad band antenna that he also uses.

In total there were 15 people in attendance. The next club meeting will be held on Thursday, May 4.