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March 1, 2025 Communications Drill

Saturday, March 1, 2025, the Houston County W4DHN ARES Club conducted our first Communications Drill.  At 0900 hours 11 Ham Operators manned 6 strategic locations around the Dothan area (American Red Cross Building, Dothan EOC, Farm Center, Westgate Rec Center, Southeast Health, and First Baptist Church) to test the efficacy of the 2M FM Repeater in the Houston County Alabama area as well as the Simplex capabilities of these operators spread throughout the Dothan area.

There were a few glitches in getting started but once underway most signals were 5/9 with few exceptions.  Operators followed the Script of the Drill making the connections as prescribed.  Handhelds with rubber ducky antennas could hear others but did not have the transmitting ability to connect to others consistently especially on Simplex.  Of note, the Southeast Hospital operator reported that from his vehicle (the adverse condition location) seemed to have a clearer signal than when in the building on the taller antenna.  There were a few issues with radios jumping stations or squelch issues, but on the whole the drill ran very smoothly. We did have one outside contact from Troy, Alabama during the 2M FM Repeater part of the drill.  We concluded the drill by 0948 hours.

During the Hot Wash session at the Golden Corral in Dothan afterwards, comments and experiences were shared.  It was agreed that the ARES group conduct another Drill within the next 6 months with a few tweaks and possibly some other locations added.

Thank you to all the operators who came out and participated today!  Great Job

A few of the operators took selfies:

January 4, 2025 Antenna Building Workshop

January 4, 2025 ARES had an antenna building workshop.  There were demonstrations  on building a portable 6 meter antenna, a J-pole antenna using Faraday Tape and ribbon and a handheld directional 2 meter/70cm tape measure antenna.


It was a fascinating day with great information and great camaraderie.  And,… some of the ladies were on hand to brighten up the event.


February 13, 2025 Meeting

February 13, 2025 Meeting

February 13, 2025, at the W4DHN Wiregrass Amateur Radio ARES Club Meeting:

✅Task Books were updated.

✅The “Net Caller” list was updated.

✅Ideas for our next workshop March 8:
-Portable Radio Antenna
-Anderson Power Pole

✅Start checking in once a week to the
Alabama Traffic Net 80 meters on
3.965 either at 0600 or 1800 CST.

✅We agreed to pass one Radiogram
per month to gain this skill.
Feb. 18th will be next one.

✅March 1st, will be our communications
Drill.  Details discussed.  Forms to be
Provided on Groups.IO for ARES.
After the drill, we will meet for a Hot
Wash at Golden Corral.

✅March 8th, we will have a workshop on
Anderson Power Poles and
Portable Radio/Antenna.

✅Discussed fundraising.
Need volunteers to help with cooking
And selling Hot Dogs/Hamburgers, chips,
And drinks for the May 10th Rocket
Launch Field Operation Day in Samson.

✅Demonstration on an NVIS Antenna 

Thanks to all who participated!  Looking forward to a fantastic year for ARES!

ARES March 8, 2025 Anderson Power Pole Demonstration

On Saturday, March 8th, ARES members meet at the American Red Cross Building at 0900 along with the New and Not So New Hams Workshop crowd to learn about Anderson Power Poles.  They are a great time saver (as well as frustration reliever) in connecting electronic “gadgets” together.  The demonstration was easy to understand and even with all the jibs from the spectators, our presenter performed a flawless connection.  Job well done


March 6, 2025 Meeting

On Thursday evening, March 6, 2025, the Wiregrass Amateur Radio Club had it’s monthly meeting.  Our President presided opened the meeting with all the necessities and reports and then highlighted our Upcoming Activities:

2 Meter net (each Tuesday 2000 hours)

ARES 2 Meter net (each Tuesday 1930 hours)

Hot’s Deli lunch get together (each Friday 1100 hours)

New to Ham Radio meeting – Saturday March 8 – 0900 hours

SEARS Event May 10th

Tri-States Bike Ride Event on June 7th (Sign-up and Drone availability

We handled old business and some new business then we were enlightened with a presentation on WSPR.  Great job as well!


W4DHN Club Meeting 2.06.25

Great club meeting.  Discussed lots of information including upcoming activities such as: New to Ham Radio Meeting Saturday, February 8, 2025, ARES meeting Thursday, February 13, 2025, 2025 Tri-States Bike Ride, SEARS Ham Radio Field Day Station.  There is a survey outstanding to sign-up where you might like to be a coordinator or just a helper.  Please see the Groups.IO for more current information.

Our President, Bruno is doing a great job of keeping us organized and working on our Ham Operation Information.  During the meeting, he did a presentation on the ARRL website and all the information that can be found there.  He also went over the survey and opportunities available to W4DHN.  We also had a demonstration of a 2-meter home-brew antenna on a satellite TV antenna.  Great night!


April 27, 2024 Tailgate

The W4DHN Spring Tailgate was Saturday, April 27, 2024 at the Headland Park Square in Headland, Alabama. Starting about 8am and continuing till about noon, we had some great folks show up and display some of their items for sale (or trade). Testing started at 10am with a total of 11 attendees and 14 tests given. Congratulations to all that passed!  We had a W4DHN members lunch at noon with the grand prize drawing happening as well. There were also hourly drawings for other prizes. The weather was delightful (not too hot and not muggy)… Did I mention all the great people that came out?

Thank you to everyone that came out and made it a very successful event and fun get together.

Thank you, Greg for coming up and bringing Suzy the amazing mascot!

W4DHN Club Meeting 4.4.24

Our W4DHN monthly club meeting for April was on the 4th at 6:30pm in the American Red Cross Building on Montezuma Avenue in Dothan. We had 18 attendees. Bob Johannesen gave a presentation on our telescoping movable antenna. We discussed the upcoming tailgate April 27th in Headland on the Square. There will be a testing session as well that day. The 2024 Tri-States Bike Ride will be June 1st.  This is a great time to get out and put our skills to use for our community.  We discussed the repeater issue and tabled that for a later meeting. Our President, Rex Yance, is dedicated to getting committees filled and functional.

If you are a member, please come to the club meetings and be involved.  If you have a topic you would like information on, please send a post to the Groups.I.O. so we can find someone who is a guru on it and possibly have a presentation on it at the meeting.  There are lots of very intelligent and electronically gifted folks in our club!  It’s always a benefit to learn more information and the new trends on Ham Radio.  Technology waits for no one.


WARC Supports Tri-States 100 Bike Ride

On Saturday, May 6, hundreds of bike riders descended on Dothan for the Tri-States 100 Bike Ride. The Wiregrass Amateur Radio Club, along with the Chipola Amateur Radio Club, provided comms support for the ride and riders, along all four routes. It was a long day for some, but a fulfilling day helping the community!

Thank you to the following amateur radio operators that served!

  • N4IDH – Al De Weese served as Net Control
  • W4BHK – Stephen Rohr
  • W4DMV – Densie Williams
  • WO4J – Jeff Hagan
  • WB4DLX – Darvin Owens
  • KK4KVA – Todd Parrish
  • K4FOO – David Schwab
  • KB4DU – John Willis
  • KK4UGS – Tim Rogers
  • KO4KOG – Todd Woodall
  • KO4RTD – Rex Yance
  • N4JV – Bob Stewart
  • KM4RBE and KQ4ELM – Barbara and Alan Curtis
  • KC4HW – Jim Johnson
  • KQ4GMA – Brandon Kelly