Our W4DHN monthly club meeting for April was on the 4th at 6:30pm in the American Red Cross Building on Montezuma Avenue in Dothan. We had 18 attendees. Bob Johannesen gave a presentation on our telescoping movable antenna. We discussed the upcoming tailgate April 27th in Headland on the Square. There will be a testing session as well that day. The 2024 Tri-States Bike Ride will be June 1st. This is a great time to get out and put our skills to use for our community. We discussed the repeater issue and tabled that for a later meeting. Our President, Rex Yance, is dedicated to getting committees filled and functional.
If you are a member, please come to the club meetings and be involved. If you have a topic you would like information on, please send a post to the Groups.I.O. so we can find someone who is a guru on it and possibly have a presentation on it at the meeting. There are lots of very intelligent and electronically gifted folks in our club! It’s always a benefit to learn more information and the new trends on Ham Radio. Technology waits for no one.